Student Health
At Moonbi Public School, the health, safety and wellbeing of all of our students is a priority.
At Moonbi Public School we have enrolled a number of children with severe, life-threatening food allergies (anaphylaxis). Anaphylaxis is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain foods and can result in death within minutes. Consequently, these children will need immediate medical attention if they come into contact with these foods.
It would greatly assist the school to manage this situation if parents would keep nut‐based foods for home treats. In particular, we ask that parents do not send peanut butter or Nutella to school. These products are so sticky, they can easily be left behind on hands and bubblers and other surfaces within the school.
Emergency policy + sickness and injuries
The school policy is to notify parents promptly if their children are injured or become sick during school time.
To enable this to happen, we request that you provide us with the phone numbers where you can be contacted during school hours and advise us immediately of any changes. We also request that you provide us with the name and phone number of a close relative or friend whom we could contact if we are unable to contact you in an emergency. Your emergency contact person should be someone who can come to the school if we are unable to contact either parent. We also ask parents give us permission to seek medical attention in an emergency.
Medication at school
Parents must advise the school of any medical condition that affects their child and requires medication during school time. Parents will need to bring their childs medication to the office, with a completed Student Medication Form.
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